Proprietary integration with Selenium opens new testing possibilities for banking

The combination of our proprietary application PATT with the widely used platform Selenium enables extensive testing of banking processes.

Our Profile Automated Testing Tool (PATT) combines the advantages of manual and mass testing. Another improvement of the platform is the integration of PATT with one of the most popular web application testing solutions, Selenium.

PATT says “Check!”

The platform PATT is the result of many years of cooperation between experts with CCA and banking sector institutions. It enables comprehensive testing not only of the FIS Profile software but also other IT solutions beyond reach for classic test automation tools.

The environment allows both running classic automated tests and verifying the data. PATT supports the development and functional tests, but can also be used for integration, acceptance tests, etc. Until now, PATT performed three types of testing operations: SQL – queries directly to the database, MRPC – remote FIS Profile procedures, e.g. creating a new client and ATM – preparing and processing card messages in the ISO-8583 standard.

The application defines commands in a natural language, and the intuitive interface is user-friendly.

A deep dive into banking processes

Running tests on systems inaccessible via the browser level is very expensive and most often done manually. Thus, test automation is typically only done in critical areas.

Previously, to test banking applications, the CCA Europe test team used PATT and the web application testing tool, Selenium independently. Following the two-way integration with Selenium, PATT’s functionalities can be used for comprehensive testing of banking applications. On the other hand, the Selenium functionalities enable designing comprehensive tests for banking processes and drawing meaningful conclusions based on the obtained results.

“Thus far, if the bank has only used Selenium for automation, now it will be able to update its existing test scripts”, explained Jacek Nowak, CEO of CCA Europe. “Integration gives it the missing extra depth. Now it can verify not only the visible effects of the test but also its effects in the core system. As a consequence, it introduces a completely new quality, drastically reducing the risk of problems with the tested software.”

For the first time, integration of these two powerful tools enables end-to-end testing of banking processes – not from the perspective of a single application, but from the banking process in its entirety, which can include multiple applications and is similar to a chain reaction.

“PATT’s integration with Selenium allows accelerating the work of human testers, and moreover reduces costs for the business. What is most important from the end-user point of view, extensive system validation, ensures a reliable representation of the banking process”, says Mateusz Cierpka, Full-Stack Developer at CCA, responsible for the integration project.

Top-class IT standards now available for banking

Thanks to the integration with Selenium, the new solution has a user-friendly interface. It can be used to test a wide range of banking application functionalities and entire banking processes, also in non-web systems other than FIS Profile.

However, to obtain meaningful results, the test parameters must be set correctly. “Properly designing a banking application testing process requires knowledge of banking rigours and areas that require special attention”, said Jacek Nowak, CEO of CCA Europe. “A modern bank is a software developer and must implement the best standards in the IT industry, in line with the approach of continuous delivery and continuous integration. As certified test specialists, we are an independent partner of the bank guaranteeing the reliability of the software produced”, concluded the CEO of CCA

If you want to learn more about CCA Europe’s comprehensive testing projects and regression testing for banking, both manual and automated, please contact us.