Entries by Artur Pawłowski

Banking application tests: know-how is king!

If you think that any testing team can verify a banking application, think again! Approving banking applications for release requires not so much an army of testers, but a team of analysts with in-depth domain knowledge. Increasing the level of customer experience and expanding their offer banks have become producers of IT solutions that match […]

Proprietary integration with Selenium opens new testing possibilities for banking

The combination of our proprietary application PATT with the widely used platform Selenium enables extensive testing of banking processes. Our Profile Automated Testing Tool (PATT) combines the advantages of manual and mass testing. Another improvement of the platform is the integration of PATT with one of the most popular web application testing solutions, Selenium. PATT […]


New five-star Clutch review from ING!

Our FIS PROFILE integration expertise got us the top mark at Clutch. The complimentary review by ING highlighted our cultural proximity and adaptability. ING’s development projects, operations and day-to-day customer service-related tickets are handled in the Shared Services Center for IT in Bucharest, Romania. Besides the day to day activities and changes, the client’s main […]

CABP gives us 4.5 Clutch stars

Our first review on the Clutch portal is for providing a new credit card system for Credit Agricole. The bank has appreciated us, especially for the in-depth understanding of the banking industry.   The IT architecture supporting credit card payments is one of the most delicate areas of the bank. A denied card payment due […]